“Valentine Schmalentine” are the words spoken on the subject of Valentines day in my house. “It’s a marketing dream! We are living the ‘lurve’ day in and day out baby girl!” is what Fella tells me year after year…
I do actually agree with him, but that’s makes for a very boring blog post, so in the interest of that:
Screw that!! Shower me with gifts and bejewel me with all types of bedazzled goodness. As Britney sings “Gimme Gimme MORE”
So in the spirit of more and more and then some MORE again, oh and a little of schmoopy love – I thought I would put together a list of things I lurve…..
Sigh with me….Ahhhh lurve…..
I lurve this room by designer Katie Leede. I lurve the colours, I lurve the lamp that reminds me of the the ‘triffids‘, I lurve the colours in the painting and cushion painting matchy -you know… the whole shebang makes my heart a flutter and tweet some.
I lurve this picture taken from the once was great, and is no more Domino Magazine. The colours rock my world and I have a desire to peel the apples skin and see how long I can make the skin chain.

Domino was a great mag once.
I love the idea of prettying myself up at a dressing table in the morning. But who am I kidding – even if I had the pretty space, I wouldn’t use it! As much as I may kid myself, I wouldnt use it, I aint no girlie girl. Never was, never will be.
Still, I lurve shoes….and pedicures. Add coffee to the mix and they are my weaknesses.

Domino was loved..
So its a crappy picture, so do what you have to to try and understand what i am talking about – squint, tilt your head, what ever..but I luuuurve these cushions on my sofa. Sometimes whilst firmly planted upon the sofa, I look at the colour combination of the lime and turquoise – both in uber fabulous fabrics and I’m telling you, my heart sighs with the lurve I’m feeling.

Loving my cushions
I’ve said it before, and bound to again – I totally Lurve these light boxes. They do rock my world.
I lurve the art of a friend of mine Daniel Truscott. His work is so bold and graphic and totally rocks my world.
Oh and I lurve love this. If you know what it is from, the the odds are that I love YOU too…

Do you know?
So, I cant be prattling about the lurve without mentioning the munchkins. This is my three year old niece who is simply put, super cute. These photos of her first ligit salon haircut and her expression makes me laugh every-time – what a diva!

Love the little things

She likey what she see!
This is her little sister, also a little super cutey – even though she sounds like a dinosaur -she is cute enough to totally pull it off!!!

Loving the Willow
And so finally, gotta say I lurve this fella O mine. He is a bit of alright that dude o mine!

Oh, didnt I mention - Esquire totally did an article on our fabulousess.
There is heaps more that I lurve and love. But I am in need of more caffeine and thought I might see some day light today! Enjoy the love people! Happy Valentine -if that be your thing!