Opposites Attract

Colourful Interior
Colourful Interior
Colourful Interior
Colourful Interior
Colourful Interior
Colourful Interior

Opposites Attract

Sometimes all you need is a little splash of bold colour!

A client with an adventurous spirit paved the way for unique pieces in this reading room.

Let’s talk about some of the details: 

  • A large area rug was custom designed for the room. The pattern of which, is largely mirrored from the art deco ceiling detailing above.
  • Fun fact: The bold colour of the rug came about from a jacket that was in the room! Our client loved the jackets vibrant and bold colour that gave such life in the room so, we went with it!
  • Have you noticed that the wall of frames, is actually framed money? Our client had quite a stash of discontinued German currency due to inflation in the 1920’s. The money with such beautiful detailed artwork upon was far too lovely for a drawer, so we framed it -creating a very unique art wall of cash!



Further areas to one day come – once underfloor issues have been addressed…



Photography by Martina Gemmola