Ship it all thanks.

I need a big boat and OOOoooodles of money -stat! Can you help? In case you need a little more information before you open your wallet, I guess I can elaborate… Its for ALL this: and then also this: And this too: Pleeeeeeaaaaaasssseee? So you may ask why? or...

When the lights go out

Where ever you live on the planet earth, at 8.30pm this Saturday it is Earth Hour. So in preparation for an hour with the lights out, its candle time! What be more appropriate than this gorgeousie light globe candle from Queen B candles! (Oh, and And just so you know...

A worthy obsession?

I am a little obsessed with these lacquered numbers! I want them SO bad and I am in the early stages of hatching a plan to get my hands on em!! I have NO idea what the quality is like – and if in fact they ARE worthy of my obsession – but its a wooden box,...

A girl can dream…

So It has been decided. The ‘fella’, trevur the cat and I are packing up stumps and moving house. Don’t know where too yet, but we have had enough of our idiot landlord and so we are moving on – Oh, and I mean that with with NO respect to him...