um, I got GOT again.

I’ve gone and got myself tagged again! This time the lovely Qerat infected me! The point again to share 6 things about myself. But with all this tagging going on, IMO struggling to keep up with new things to share, a girl has gotta keep some mystery you know! So...

When the lights go out

Where ever you live on the planet earth, at 8.30pm this Saturday it is Earth Hour. So in preparation for an hour with the lights out, its candle time! What be more appropriate than this gorgeousie light globe candle from Queen B candles! (Oh, and And just so you know...

loving and lurving and that.

“Valentine Schmalentine” are the words spoken on the subject of Valentines day in my house.  “It’s a marketing dream! We are living the ‘lurve’ day in and day out baby girl!” is what Fella tells me year after year… I do...