by Camilla | Jul 30, 2009 | Eye Candy, Randomania
It all happened in the blink of an eye and before I even knew it, Designalogue blog turned a whole year old – today! Happy Birthday blog! Sorry I neglect you often blog -but then, I never promised you anything else. So to signify this momentous occasion, some...
by Camilla | Jul 27, 2009 | All about ME, In the Blogosphere
Hello! Just a shout out to let you peoples know I am guesting over at super fab blog Design Crisis today, or is it tomorrow? Oh the time difference is all confusing!! Well what can catch me over yonder talking the bling! So go & visit and dont be shy to...
by Camilla | Jul 25, 2009 | On my travels
On my sourcing travels this week I came across these brilliant tiles: Above:ends of small of wood & below sections of bamboo Brilliant. Though admitedly their brilliance may be lost on you due to my crap photos. So just trust me?! Now, who will let me use these in...
by Camilla | Jul 24, 2009 | Eye Candy, Randomania
All I want to say is that I think this photograph is fabulous. I wanna get me a giant bunny too!
by Camilla | Jul 21, 2009 | Art, Designers, Eye Candy, Party time, Wallpaper
The other day I had quite a beast of a day! I went and heard the Paul Simmons co founder & creative whizz of wallpaper & fabric fabulousness Timorous Beasties talk – not once, but twice! Lucky for me he is a great speaker full of interesting stories...
by Camilla | Jul 13, 2009 | Film sets, I wish!, Randomania
I need a big boat and OOOoooodles of money -stat! Can you help? In case you need a little more information before you open your wallet, I guess I can elaborate… Its for ALL this: and then also this: And this too: Pleeeeeeaaaaaasssseee? So you may ask why? or...
by Camilla | Jul 4, 2009 | Melbourne, Weekends
Just a note to the local ladies out there… its on again -the Creative Women’s Circle Saturday July 11th @ Guildford Lane Gallery. More details here
by Camilla | Jul 3, 2009 | Eye Candy, Furniture, Kitchen, Randomania, Round ups
The subject of todays’ post is anything but a unique and groundbreaking subject matter to the regulars of the blogosphere. But as well as the place of random eye candy and occasional life happenings updates, Designalogue is also a place where clients drop on in...
by Camilla | Jun 24, 2009 | Art, Collections, Colour, Obsession confession, Randomania, Styling
I have written before about my love for glass genie bottles in an obsession confession (see here) Its a continued and long loving obsession of mine, so imagine my delight when I came across some more genie bottle eye candy for me to drool over! It was like the clouds...
by Camilla | Jun 3, 2009 | Art, Colour, Cushions, My work
I have been a busy girl of late with quite a few installations happening almost all at once! So in the spirit of sharing, and to appease my guilt at not attending to Designalogue Blog much of late, here are some ‘crappy snaps’ I have taken of an apartment...