by Camilla | Nov 3, 2008 | Designers, inspiration, Melbourne, Randomania, Round ups, Styling
So I’m STILL on the Spring carnival band wagon… turns out I may a little enthusiasm for it after all! The big race is tomorrow, the one that its all about-‘The Melbourne Cup’ – the race that stops a nation! -so they say! (Oh, did I...
by Camilla | Nov 2, 2008 | Art, Randomania, Round ups
Yay! Its Spring carnival here in My Melbourne town- woo hoo, yeah, yippee! Did I sound excited? Does that pass as suitable enthusiasm? Hey, At least I’m trying! It happens year after year, Melbourne goes MAD for the racing! -well, for a couple of days at least!...
by Camilla | Oct 31, 2008 | All about ME, Randomania
It would be OK with me if I lived in a house with a window and view like this. And so now you do know!
by Camilla | Oct 30, 2008 | Randomania, Texture Junkie
Now this is the kinda bling that gets me saying I do. Oh YES, indeed I do! Diamond Buttoning… its just so, SO pretty and I think I can make the commitment to love looong time! So maybe its a bit of a stretch to include this in the Texture Junkie category...
by Camilla | Oct 28, 2008 | All about ME, inspiration, Randomania
I’ve just had like a mini heart attack or something. It was brought on by the extreme excitement of the parcel that arrived this morning. Admittedly this is far more exciting for me, and most likely wont raise your heart rate too much, but as its been...
by Camilla | Oct 26, 2008 | All about ME, Randomania
So It has been decided. The ‘fella’, trevur the cat and I are packing up stumps and moving house. Don’t know where too yet, but we have had enough of our idiot landlord and so we are moving on – Oh, and I mean that with with NO respect to him...
by Camilla | Oct 23, 2008 | Round ups, Wallpaper
I just love it. Its as simple as that! And I still want more! None other than Cole and Son ‘Malabar’ wallpaper
by Camilla | Oct 21, 2008 | Randomania
Just a quickie Happy Birthday message to my lovely big ‘sista’ Jasy! As well as being a lovely sister and friend – she breeds extremely beautiful babies!! So in honour of being lovely, here is your present!….TA DA! A bit of eye candy for you to...
by Camilla | Oct 15, 2008 | Colour, Designers, Melbourne
If you gave me a verbal description of this house: Canary yellow walls, bright blue ceiling, timber veneered dining room, black marble fireplace – I would most likely have smiled at you ever so sweetly and thought to myself – EW, someones stuck in 1985...
by Camilla | Oct 14, 2008 | Colour, Randomania
So I’ve told you before how here at Designalogue we ask some of life’s BIG questions. Well today is by no means an exception to this!!: A friend of mine Ms Timmy, emailed me with a question the other day – “Is it rude to pop a note in someone’s...