
Remember these?: & these: Quite possibly thats why you are here in the first place! (the traffic I get to this blog still from when I posted about these back in June 2010 is huge!) Well the UK-ian hottie responsible for such clever up-cycling has just launched his...

The recent happenings

In my world, it is so exciting seeing things come to life that have been rattling around in my head for a while! I  liken it to having babies all over town and I’m the surrogate. (Is that weird?! Did I just gross you out?!) Moooooving on…. These are some...

Domestic goddess

A random sustainable design product post today… Domestic goddess I am not.  I’ve only just come to terms with the fact that I dont have a fairy god mother who is going to clean up after me. (For an all too brief & fabulous time I did have a house...

Ranting & crushing

The first time I ever saw a house that had been ‘done’ by a designer it bothered me. I would have been a youngen of about 14. What bothered me then, is still the same as what bothers me today in the design world. My friends family had engaged an...