Party oh so pretty.

Oh, I want to go to these parties.            Seriously, how could you NOT have a fabulous time surrounded by all of this fabulousness and hard-core gorgeousness?  Event Styling done by Athony Todd – An Aussie done good in NYC.  (oh I DO love those stories!)...

And the winner is…

The glamA continues… I have finally managed to find me some pictures of this years Spring Carnival fancy pants marquees. (Seems all it took was to look in the newspaper! whatta know!) So this will give you an idea of the scale of these um, tents! You thought it...

He knows what he’s doing

If you gave me a verbal description of this house:  Canary yellow walls, bright blue ceiling, timber veneered dining room, black marble fireplace – I would most likely have smiled at you ever so sweetly and thought to myself – EW, someones stuck in 1985...

The big questions…

So I’ve told you before how here at Designalogue we ask some of life’s BIG questions. Well today is by no means an exception to this!!: A friend of mine Ms Timmy, emailed me with a question the other day – “Is it rude to pop a note in someone’s...

Oh Snap!

SNAP! I spy with my little eye…. Did you catch it?  – Same chair! Though the chair looks much better in the Drake Design room than in my lounge room! … must be something to do with the photography!!! yeah, that’ll be it!!!!?!! (Update –...